Choice and Control

At Anahita we are not in the business of banging square pegs into round holes.
We are all different.
An individual support and recovery plan, tailored to your needs and wishes, will be drawn up in collaboration with you and those involved in your care.
We believe that assessment and planning is a two way process. As we learn about you, you must assess us.

Can we be trusted?

Can we deliver what you need?

We will answer your questions. We will be open and honest.

We will come to see you and we will encourage you to visit us.

We recognise that you and those that are close to you are often best placed to know what works well for you.

We believe that the whole process of assessment, planning and the delivery of support and care should be a collaborative venture, enabling you to move forward on the road to more independent living.

Together we will agree specific and realistic goals with a plan that enables you to achieve these. This plan will take into account your wishes and aspirations, what you consider helps you and what doesn't.

The staff team at Anahita will work closely with the other professionals involved in your care and support, including your consultant psychiatrist, your care coordinator, CPN and social worker. This is usually accomplished through participation in the care programme approach.

And if we don’t think that the Anahita Recovery Centre is the right place for you we will be honest enough to say so.

Your Support and Recovery Plan

We will provide a safe welcoming environment in which service users have as much control over their lives as possible, enabling them to achieve the maximum degree of independence whilst retaining their dignity.

We will provide each individual with an opportunity to build new skills for life and to adapt old ones. Enable each individual to function to his/her potential.

Our Objectives

We will ensure that we provide staff on the premises 24 hours a day to ensure that support is available to all service users when they need it.

We will provide accommodation which is functional, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

Our Aims

To provide an attractive balanced diet which is varied and prepared according to contemporary food hygiene practice.

To enable each service user to meet his/her fundamental health needs i.e. for shelter, warmth, food, fluid and personal hygiene.

To provide an environment which will minimise fear and psychological distress.

To facilitate a constructive social milieu, where service users feel safe to interact with others, practise new behaviour and receive feedback.

To provide a physically safe environment for service users, staff and visitors.

To promote positive self esteem through recognition and deserved praise of each individual.

To provide opportunities for self-expression and creativity.

To create opportunities for intellectual stimulation according to each individual’s abilities

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