
One unit, with accommodation over ground, first and second floors, caters for women only.
The second unit is for men, with accommodation over ground and first floors. Both units have generous communal space, with lounges, dining areas, offices and laundry.
We promote independence and we recognise that privacy is important. You will have your own room with en-suite facilities.
You are encouraged to bring your own belongings and to decorate and personalise your room to your own taste and satisfaction. The communal areas are comfortable and homely. A good size patio garden is provided in both units for your enjoyment.
The home is managed by an experienced registered mental health nurse. The Manager is supported by the company directors, who are all mental health nurses with a great deal of experience delivering services to people with mental health difficulties.
Support and care is delivered by a team of support workers.
A registered nurse is always available for advice and support. There is always support staff available in both units day and night. The level of staffing varies according to time of day, the needs of each service user and the activities being organised.
The support team is complimented by other staff, who include chefs, cleaners, administrative staff, sessional workers (A social inclusion worker and activities co-ordinator) and maintenance personnel.
All staff are carefully selected and undergo a Criminal Records Bureau check before beginning work. All staff participate in regular supervision and training
Food and Drink
Our chefs prepare the main meals. A range of menu options is available and special diets can be catered for. Through our regular residents' meetings we encourage all service users to get involved in planning the menu. So please give us your ideas!
Drinks are available throughout the day but we still like to have a morning coffee break and afternoon tea. These are fixed points in the day and opportunities for service users and staff to meet and socialise. And of course you don't have to like tea and coffee as other drinks are available!
You will be supported to pursue education, training, employment or volunteering as this can aid recovery in a significant way.
If required , it may be possible to have hot drink making facilities in your own room. Please ask staff for details.
Domestic staff are employed to keep Anahita clean.
However, we believe that a lot of self satisfaction and pride can be derived from keeping your own private space clean and tidy.
Staff will help you achieve this independence by helping you according to your wishes and your abilities.
To what extent the staff support you to clean your room, how much you do for yourself and what support you receive will be agreed as part of your individual support and recovery plan.
Each unit has a laundry with washing machine, tumble dryer and ironing facilities. All service users are encouraged to participate in doing their own laundry but assistance is available from support workers according to need.
The building is protected by an automatic fire detection system, which is tested weekly. Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of a fire are posted on all floors.
For your own safety, you are expected to participate in periodic fire drills and to obey the instructions of the staff if an evacuation becomes necessary.
Experience suggests that smoking presents a significant risk. For your safety and that of others, you are asked to respect the smoking policy.
Due to the serious health implications, smoking is strongly discouraged.
Service users and staff who smoke are allowed to do so only in the designated areas.
Service users will not be allowed to smoke in their rooms.
All Service users will be supported to participate in a smoking cessation groups at the local practice.
Service users will have support and help to address any issues relating to their desire to smoke.
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